On Intention & Commitment
It has been shared that this knowledge that we are undertaking is best guided by a teacher/guru. In our case, we have three sources of guidance: Uday's book, the Gita Bodh, myself and all of you. Together we can hold the space, clear our minds and allow the wisdom of the ages to flow through us.
When sharing a teaching, such as presented in this first book, there are three things to consider: The source of the knowledge, the subject matter and the benefits of study.
Regarding this book, the source of the information are the ancient rishes (seers) of the Indian continent. Through their quiet and clear minds, this knowledge was revealed. It was refined over thousands of years, passed on from teacher to student, orally through sutra/mantra and then eventually written as the Vedas in Sanskrit.
The subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita and Vedanta is two fold: The first, right action for a good life, as our actions determine not only the destination but the quality of the experience along the way. The second topic, who we are, why we are here, and the nature of creation and God. These two topics comprise the two sections of the Vedas, on karma and self-knowledge.
Finally, what are the benefits of this study: clarity of mind, contentment and freedom from suffering, i.e. freedom from the bondage of our fears, desires and identification as a limited self.
One last piece for now, obstacles will emerge to keep you from this important and life changing work. Consider your intention and commitment to this process as we progress through the introductory chapters into the meat of the subject matter. Your personal and the collective ego will try to keep you sleep walking. Like in the movie the Matrix, this is a red pill exercise which supports us in waking up from the dream of conventional reality, so that we may discover and live from our true essential nature as existence consciousness--which is limitless, full and free.